Your auto insurance policy helps you in case you are involved in an automobile accident. If you have never been in an accident before, you may be unsure of what to expect when you find yourself involved in your first accident. The Hansen Agency LLC, serving the greater Canonsburg, PA area, details what you should expect when you are filing a claim for a car accident.
Provide Your Insurance Company With the Necessary Information
The first step is actually to file the claim. Many insurance companies allow you to call in a claim or file a claim online. You will need your information, including your name, policy number, driver’s license number, and license plate information, as well as the information for the other party. Have all of this information on hand to speed up the claim filing process.
Have Your Car Inspected
The next step will be to have your car inspected. The insurance adjuster may come to you, or they may tell you to bring your car to a specific location. Your car will be inspected to determine what type of damage it has and if the damage is repairable or if your car should be salvaged.
Select a Body Shop to Have the Repairs Made
If the claim is approved, you can select your own body shop to have the car repairs completed. The body shop will bill the insurance company less any deductible you may owe, for the repairs that are made.
Contact Us Today
Car accidents happen. If an accident were to happen to you today, would your car insurance policy provide you with the coverage you need to get your vehicle back to its pre-accident state? Here at The Hansen Agency LLC, serving the greater Canonsburg, PA area, we can review your existing policy to see if it meets your needs or help you to find a policy that will best meet all of your needs in case the unexpected happens. Call us to learn more.